Liberty Ride 2024 Is Ready to Roll!

The Liberty Ride™ is dedicated to helping create a more perfect union in which the Constitution applies to all, regardless of where we or our ancestors were born; whom we love; the color of our skin; or how, or if, we worship.

On May 5, 2024, motorcyclists across the United States will begin carrying copies of the nation’s most sacred documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation through all 50 states in Liberty Ride 2024. All riders will converge in Washington, D.C. in September 2024.

The mission? To remind the nation and its leaders that the United States is built on a foundation of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Emancipation Proclamation. The Liberty Ride is an organized relay of motorcyclists who proudly share and carry copies of these documents across the United States to meet up in Washington, D.C. The Ride and its riders’ purpose is to inspire and to remind us all of the critical importance of these essential writings and our county’s foundation.

This is the fifth annual ride (Check out previous year’s rides). The brainchild of Kansas motorcyclist D’Ette Peralta, both the idea and the ride are rapidly gaining support within the country’s motorcycling community. Peralta spent many years enjoying the camaraderie of her local riding community and helping to organize events in Kansas. Events leading up to, and including, the 2016 presidential election fostered growing extremism. She found herself a stranger in a community she thought she knew.

Never one to remain quiet in the face of what she saw as a wrong, she sought to empower others to find their voice. She and many other riders connected on common ground: ““We the People” means everyone.” Equality, Liberty, and Justice are the basic principles on which America was founded. They should unite us, not divide us.”

In 2020, Peralta proposed a relay ride to motorcyclists across the country. Participating bikers carried copies of the nation’s founding documents — the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation — from their home states in different parts of the country, relaying across state borders and delivering them to national leaders in the capital.

Now in its fifth year, the Liberty Riders have grown in numbers; the event has taken on a life of its own. No longer a lone voice in the 2-wheeled wilderness, D’Ette is surrounded by others around the country who feel as she does: that America is too great a country to be left to one or another body of political extremists. And with that thought, to take action, to seek a more unifying vision that will once again encourage Americans to work together for the good of all.

The Liberty Ride™ is dedicated to the shared vision and mission of an evolving and more perfect union in which the Constitution applies to all, regardless of where we or our ancestors were born; whom we love; the color of our skin; or how or if we worship.

This year we will continue supporting equality in liberty and justice, and promoting  Voting rights protections while honoring all of America’s  heroes who have sacrificed and devoted their lives to gaining  sharing and protecting all of our civil rights and liberties. The Liberty Ride is committed to Never Forget the Sacrifices made for freedom, we salute all  American heroes past and present whose commitment to freedom,  enable all to be true to themselves; to worship if and how they desire; to love whom they are drawn to; and to live how they choose and to pursue their own happiness.

Riders assert that these rights and norms are not guaranteed against a coordinated attack and are only as robust as our willingness to defend them. They carry the affirmation that “civil rights” encompass not only racial justice, but also worker’s rights, women’s rights, the rights of the LGBQT community. A threat to the rights of any one of us is a threat to the rights of all.


Join Up!

Would you ride with us?

Riders and passengers need to sign a liability release form. Click here to take a look: here.

Can’t ride, but want to help?
Love to have you! Sign up here.

  We’re excited to be working with

Viking Bags to try out their products!

We will come up with a review post
once the product testing is done!

 Keep an eye out for these updates.

Viking Bags Introduces New & Improved Hard Saddlebag Designs for 2015 (PRNewsFoto/Viking Bags)
Check them out here: