Previous Liberty Rides: Where We’ve Been

The first
The first “DC or Bust” Riders 2020

Born from the boredom and chaos that was the summer of 2020,  2024 marks the 5th year for the Liberty Rides. Beginning with a discussion on Social Media where valid reasons were tossed out as to why Sturgis was not a preferred destination that year;.

Robert Lawler of Birmingham Al, the OG I will always consider the first Liberty Rider, dared reveal that he was planning a trip to DC and welcomed anyone to join him that cared to.  The idea of organizing our own rally gained momentum until someone pointed out that being in the middle of a pandemic as we still were, many areas mandated travelers to quarantine upon returning home.

Gathering safely that summer proving improbable if not impossible,  I proposed a pandemic friendly, socially distanced, coast to coast relay instead. Asking folks where they were located, I got some crayons, printed a map, and started marking people’s spots, and connecting the dots. that became the first relay path leading to DC.  

Kicking off September 5, 2020, that first Ride for Liberty Relay was planned in less than a month. One hundred thirty six riders relayed the founding documents across 34 states, taking just a little over a month from kick off to the final transfers to D.C. on October 6.

With four nationwide kick-offs and two Ride for Liberty for All Days behind us, we have ridden through fires, floods, and hurricanes. Creating a Plan B when we just could not get somewhere from where we were. Bridges and roads we planned to travel washed away and towns have been left inaccessible, still nothing has stopped us yet.  

Promising to connect with strangers then actually showing up and parting as friends reveals not just the value of a person’s word, but also heart and integrity.  The belief you all have given me in people again and the friendships I get to watch bloom among you is worth every bit of cat herding this crazy thing requires.

Coordinating  the Liberty Rides  is an honor and though I appreciate the recognition I receive for what I do,  really all glory belongs to the riders who make this happen.  The relay belongs to all of you, the showing up part is everything, otherwise I am just a crazy lady with a map.  

Keep on Riding!