
Kicking Over ’24

Happy to announce that the Liberty Ride is entering its fifth year and planning and route plotting is well under way. To kick things off, we have designated the first Sunday in May,  National Ride for Liberty for All Day.

Because of the grit within a rare breed of folks saying “ I am in” before even really knowing just what they are in for, we will make all 50 states this year.

The Declaration will be  kicking off in Hawaii with a ride to Remember the Sacrifices made for Freedom and then the Constitution will make it all the way  to  Alaska later this summer at a pace of a thousand miles a day.

From Hawaii the Declaration will be shipped to SoCal in time for International Female Ride Day and then shortly after IFRD it will begin its trek across the country heading for DC May 25 then head to Delaware to  begin its tour of the original 13 Colonies throughout the summer.  Leg 19 of the Declaration will connect and unite with leg 19 of the Constitution in South Carolina mid to late August before traveling together for the final legs to DC.

The Constitution is set to kick off in NYC on Ride for Liberty for All Day with its first transfer  at Liberty Park to  Pennsylvania riders before  heading westward to the Northwest and on to Alaska. Returning cross country to the southeast to join the Declaration in South Carolina mid-August, set to finish the journey to DC united with the Declaration either (September 14)  the weekend before Constitution day or during Constitution/Citizenship week (Sept 17 – 23). 

Before that final trek to DC however . Labor Day Weekend we will give a special salute to all hard-working men and women by handing off the United D/C documents to one of  our Veteran Road Captains, soon to retire and the embodiment of hard work. Join us this labor day as we salute  the hard-working men and women who built, maintain, and sustain the American way of life , paying special tribute to the workers rights that protect them. 

The Bill of Rights has already begun moving up the Florida Panhandle  transferring at Daytona Beach and then Grateful Gainesville  on its way to  pay honor to civil rights heroes in Birmingham with the next stop Black Wall Street in Tulsa.   Similarly, the Emancipation will kick off in AZ with it’s first transfer from Phoenix to Flagstaff Free Thinkers et al  heading for New Mexico and Colorado before heading to Black Wall Street in May also. Legs 8 of both the Bill of Rights and Emancipation will then transfer at Black Wall Street May 18 in the Greenwood District of Tulsa Ok . They will not unite there however,  as they will meet again later in the Summer, uniting at the National Biker Round Up then traveling the final legs from Springfield to DC together.

From Black Wall Street the EP will head to celebrate Juneteenth in TX then follow parts of the Civil Rights trail over the summer, while the Bill of Rights will leave the Greenwood District with a recent Teacher of the year, heading back to school as a lesson in civics for her students in St Louis on May 20.  A few weeks later it will be carried along the John Brown Freedom trail heading for the Midwest Ride for Liberty Rally.  It is noteworthy that the June Midwest Ride for Liberty Rally  is intended to pay our respect to the brave men and women who risked everything for freedom, both their own and that of others. All those making the journey to Iowa in June will have ridden roads to get there that either follow a similar route or at least take them through some of the same areas the Underground Railroad once led so many to freedom.  2024 is going to be a great year 

I look forward to seeing  you all on the road riding for liberty this summer and can’t wait to see the pics of your liberty rides, please don’t forget to post about your adventures and send me what you don’t mind I  share as well.  Ride safe, be peace, enjoy the adventure, and as always steer clear of the chaos.

-D’Ette Rene’ 

Chief Cat Herder

The Liberty Ride Society

Mark your calendars for the first Sunday in May 

The Liberty Ride invites motorcycle enthusiasts everywhere to join us in celebrating the first Sunday of every May as “Ride for Liberty for All” Day and ride with civil rights and social justice in mind.   


We are inclusive The “Ride for Liberty for All” Day encourages inclusion of riders from every walk of life, brand and style of motorcycle, ethnic group, social group and identity throughout these United States.


 It’s official – politicians notice! In 2022, the Governors of Kentucky, Kansas and Pennsylvania  proclaimed the first Sunday of May as “Ride for Liberty for All” Day. Kansas’ Governor Kelly Has continuing to recognize “Ride for Liberty for All Day” each year since. 


The Soul of “Ride for Liberty for All” Day  

  • We ride to pay homage to not just Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but all the heroes who sacrificed and devoted their lives to civil rights and liberties, allowing each of us the opportunity to be true to ourselves, worship how we desire, love who we do, live how we choose and pursue our own happiness.   


  • We ride to serve as a reminder that it was not that long ago that many of our ancestors and fellow citizens were still being denied the rights of full participation in our civil society.  As we’ve seen, these rights and norms are not guaranteed against a coordinated attack and are only as robust as our willingness to defend them.  


  • We ride to illustrate the strength in our numbers and reveal the true diversity of the motorcycle community nationwide.    


  • We ride to offer a new perspective, and instill compassion, for the struggles that many face in the pursuit to be their authentic selves.  We are dedicated to the evolution of America toward a more perfect union, as stated in the preamble to the Constitution.  


  • We ride to affirm that Civil Rights comprises not only racial justice, but also Worker’s rights, Women’s rights and LGBQT rights.  


  • We ride in solidarity because a threat to the rights belonging to any of us is a threat to the rights of all of us.  Among us, we want to demonstrate that we are united, state to state – so ALL really means ALL, not just those resembling the founding fathers. 


Making the “Ride for Liberty for All” day a little more special and fun 

When the kickstands come up for the “Ride for Liberty for All” Day, put your passenger pegs down, symbolically taking your civil rights hero or martyr for a ride.  Participants are encouraged to be creative by dressing the part or taping a photo of a civil rights hero on their windshield.  The destination of your ride is your choice, but visiting a place of civil rights significance can make the ride even more resonant.  If possible, invite your friends along so it’s a shared experience that makes others notice.

What are the Liberty Rides? If you’re new to the Liberty Ride, think of it as a ride promoting liberty for all. We are not a riding club and are not affiliated with any organized — or disorganized — motorcycle club or group.  We are independent riders who run a nationwide network of relays to carry the United States’ founding documents — the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Emancipation Proclamation — from coast to coast.

In previous years  each of the founding documents have traveled with  a copy of the 1965 Voting Rights act and a demand for voting rights protections for all; protecting each citizen’s right to vote has been the focus of the  Liberty rides, however this year we are working on bringing awareness to the limbo status of the Equal Rights Amendment, still not ratified , and yes still needed.

Officially our Annual Nationwide Liberty Ride  Kick off is the first Sunday of every May with Ride for Liberty for All Day. The Relays run simultaneously, roughly looping through and covering the northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest states before converging during Constitution Week September 17 through 23 as close to Constitution/Citizenship Day, Sept 17, as the miles allow.

Traveling the country, we pass  the founding documents from rider to rider like a chain. Liberty riders are united by the belief that the principles outlined in these documents should be  applied to all, regardless of where we or our ancestors were born; whom we love; the color of our skin; or how or if we worship.

Join the Liberty Ride and ride for liberty for all with openminded bikers who are reclaiming patriotism as an American value — not a partisan one — and who are rededicating themselves to aspire for that more perfect union first envisioned by the founding fathers.

If you would like to be a rider, can volunteer to help, or provide financial support, please click those links or send us a message from our web site, www.libertyrides.org.

One thought on “Kicking Over ’24

  1. It sure is great to have this website and a place where we can share pictures and more.
    This group is really patriotic and ready to work for Liberty and Justice For All!

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